
born again democrat speaks out.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


The Democrats needs to be the party of working families, and needs to stress a populist platform, rather than a centrist, pro-corporate one. The Dean presidential campaign, with it’s unprecedented internet donations, proved that Dems do not have to court corporate campaign funds, or any longer need to promote their interests, when they are in opposition to the well being of the population.
“Working Class” is an antiquated phrase. White collar, blue collar, upper middle, lower middle and working class labels just serve to divide people who earn their living from their wages, as opposed to people who earn their income from stock dividends (ie, from the labor of others). Working Families is an honorable way to define people who earn their living from the sweat of their brow.
We need election reform. ATM machines produce paper receipts, and election machines can do the same. If ATMs can spring up in every bodega and 7-ll in America, then there's no excuse that voters are made to wait for 10 hours in poor neigborhoods to vote. Perhaps we need to get Apple to produce new election machines. Campaign advertising as we know it must be changed. Free air time should take the place of purchased air time. The FCC should mandate that every station licensed thru the FCC must donate equal FREE air time to all valid candidates. We must get corporations to pay taxes, and disallow them to give money to campaigns.
Corporations are not persons. The law must be changed. Corporations don't vote, people vote. Corporate campaign financing money should be viewed as payola, graft, and nothing more.


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