
born again democrat speaks out.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

hands off my social security!!

what did my dad, my ex's dad and mom have in common? not much. they never met each other, lived a thousand miles from each other. one was white, two were black. my ex and i never got it together to introduce them all, and pretty soon they were more or less dead. but what they had in common was that they all worked for small companies, and they were all screwed out of their pensions...3 small companies gone bankrupt, and three aging employees with nothing to show for their years except some savings...what kept them from destitution was SOCIAL SECURITY!! THere's nothing wrong with social security..Bush has a way of presenting his ideas..first he says theres a BIG DANGER!! ie..iraq has weapons of mass destruction poised to attack at any time. ..of course the CIA and the UN inspectors said he was WRONG..then COLON POWELL went to the UN with documents, saying Iraq had been dealing with Nigeria, and was getting nuclear materials..turns out the documents were kid wouldn't even go to the teacher with a forged note from me!! the supposed signator of the document had been out of power for 10 years..they didn't care..they were off..NOOWWW its SOCIAL again it's a BIG SCARY PROBLEM..and we needed to fix it..NOW!! I don't believe them...the republicans in their red ties, giving a standing ovation to every word of bush..NOOO..NOO A european friend told me we were heading toward an imperial state..5 years ago..i didn't believe it...HA..the ONE PARTY SYSTEM..lucky us.


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