My son reminded me that long ago, I didn't want him to join the local boyscout troop, because I didn't like the look of the local "troopmeister", and figured he might be a pederast. He was pasty and fat and dopey and creepy, and I just didn't like his vibe. I didn't exactly say that my son couldn't join, but when son of mine showed tepid enthusiasm, I didn't push him to join up. J-man, now a highschooler and wise beyond measure (according to him) scoffed at me, for my fear. He didn't remember, but I had been right once about that stuff. I was offered a scholarship for my son to a small christian school and I said no. The school was kind of far away, so that was one of the considerations, but I knew the headmaster, and I just didn't get a good vibe. As an artist knocking around NYC and Berlin and SF with all sorts of straights, gays and bi's, I think I began to read people.
I'd been around in the days when my gay friends would be vying for the cutist teenager..but I didn't know if this dude was into littler people than that. J'man was way younger than that..but sure enough..aforementioned headmaster was busted exposing himself in a YMCA locker room to teens...Maybe I'm a chicken, but I do know chicken hawks....
Speaking of fear..I've been hesitant to email, to sign my name to petitions, due to the nature of these neocons.Wilhelm Reich outlined the character type in the Mass Psychology of Fascism..cruel, perverse, revengeful, lying, I know what's out there.. I do get searched when getting on planes, perhaps my id is flagged. I've heard of leftist activists being given "no fly" know, the really tough types..Ie Quaker Grandmothers..But despite the possible harrassment, There is no time to be timid. Plamegate is the tip of the iceberg. 1) We need an investigation to find out who was responsible for treasonously "outing" a CIA spy.
2) We need to look to the PNAC's plan for US Global domination in the 21st Century, to see the premeditation on the part of NeoCons, to get into the Middle East.
3)We also need to have an investigation into voting machine tampering in the 2000 and 2004 elections.
4) We need to know how much Stock Donald Rumsfeld owns in the company that is to get the contract to supply the USA with Avian Flu vaccine. Nuff said.