
born again democrat speaks out.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tell Mullah Robertson to take a hike.

Pat Robertson, that blathering republican neocon posing as a christian pastor has called for the assassination of a duly elected Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez. I don't know if Chavez is any good or not, but apparently he's getting the poor people into schools, trying to put an end to illiteracy. I am tired of these neocons from kissenger on down to bush, attempting to manipulate the governments of others. i really dislike it when, in the case of allende, they were democratically elected. I'm also pissed that they havent come up with a decent constitution for iraq. get the people who wrote the japanese constitution. a bunch of americans, right? right now, they're talking about taking education for women off the table. the islamis will take over, and the people will be back in the stone age.
Meanwhile, Chalabi, that embezzler who has an arrest warrent out for him from Jordan, is cozying up with Sadr, that fundamentalist nut job. the middle class of Iraq (and there was a big one, before we started bombing them) are afraid of the fundi's getting hold of the government. Now women wont be able to work, or go to school, and will have to wear bags over their heads, like they do in Saudi and Afghanistan. Gee, thanks, George Bush. We could have spent all that dough on alternative energy..You could have givene the money to your croneys, for energy development...and we could have been weaned off middle eastern oil. Ask your pastor, Mullah Robertson. (I suggest you both read some scripture, sometime. seem to be far off course)