
born again democrat speaks out.

Friday, January 13, 2006

What has to happen

To set this country in order we have to
1) make sure that voting is as sure as a deposit at an ATM, complete with paper reciept.
2) make sure that lobbys or lobbyists who give ANY money or goods to legislators should be busted for bribery and tampering with the government
3) All media outlets licensed by the FCC, must, as a requirement of their license, set aside equal time for all candidates to air their views, in the time preceding an election. Any time bought by third parties would be considered election tampering, a crime.
4) personhood for corporations should be made illegal.
5) those who premeditatedly sent the usa to war on false pretenses, or were elected falsly should be brought up on charges of treason, and if they are in office, should be immediately impeached.
6) the people of the united states, (aka the government) having arrested these power usurpers, should then go to the un, nato, and other organizations, to work with other governments to bring stability to iraq.
7) the usa must develop a manufacturing base again. having exported most of it's production ability to other counties, the usa should give huge tax breaks to companies who manufacture alternate energy sources, creating exports to other countries and giving jobs to americans. factories should be placed in poor neighborhoods, to give jobs to the poor. perhaps these should be done as co-ops, so that the working people participate in profit sharing. these alternate energy products (solar panels, biodiesel engines, etc.) should not be imported, unless the buyers pay huge import taxes, to make sure the prices are on par with nationally produced items.
8) high school students from low income families should be paid a stipend for going to school and getting good grades. too many kids drop out because of minor economic reasons, not having new sneakers or money for the movies on the weekend.
9) to insure that good healthcare is available to all americans, medical schools should be made free for those who can pass the entrance exam, and young doctors must do public service, (ie work in a health clinic in a poor neighborhood) to pay for their tuition
8) 10 percent of the gnp should be allotted to developing infrastucture, ie. wells, medicines, schools for developing nations.
9) nafta and cafta should be abolished, so that millions of illegals don't come running over the border, because of trade imbalance
10) people who hire illegal workers, should be arrested.
11) immigration should be made more flexible, with day workers and easier laws for immigration, but only children of legal immigrants should be given citizenship
12) many people feel that abortion is murder, and ever younger fetuses are able to thrive, due to technology. abortion as we know it should be made to a great extent, illegal. third trimester abortions are certainly murder. but only in the most extreme conditions should even a first trimester fetus be aborted. the stress must be put on preventing unplanned conception. all birth control which prohibits conception, should be made easily available to any female who can menstruate, regardless of her marital status or age. a morning after pill, which makes the womb inhospitable to a fetus and state of the art birth control should be available to any female who can menstruate, regardless of her age.

That's it, so far.


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